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Summer 2024

Goodbye Year 2 Children

Goodbye Miss Woodcock

Mrs Willet's Memorial Garden

Thank you to all our families for their donations for Mrs Willett's Memorial Garden.  So far we have planted (with a lot of help from Mrs Arkinstall and Mr Holley) the flowers and plants ready for the children to add their memory stones.


The Rose Queen did a lovely job opening the Church Fair 2024


A wonderful celebration at the church crowning our 2024 Rose Queen.  It was a lovely celebration.  Thank you to all who attended.  The Rose Queen and all her attendees were amazing.

Father's Day picnic

Children in Year 2 had a lovely time with their dads at their picnic.


Today our school choir performed at the Abbey Arts Theatre and achieved second place.  The judges said " This was excellent story telling, with very well-coordinated actions" when they sang "A Tiny Seed" and "This was a very enjoyable performance with nice rhythmic singing... You obviously enjoyed singing this and the audience did too!" when they sang Shotgun.

Well done Galley Common choir!