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Science intent

At Galley Common School, our intent for Science is to build on the children’s natural curiosity of the world around them, to develop their knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes and to develop a range of scientific skills which can also be applied to other areas of the curriculum.

We aim to encourage and support children to be inquisitive about the world around them; to ask and answer their own questions; to explore, discover and investigate. We aim to foster an appreciation of, and a concern and care for, their local environment and the wider world.


Science implementation

We use the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum for the Reception classes and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1.

We plan our science using our Progression of Skills document which outlines the working scientifically skills to develop and build on in each group and the Biology, Chemistry and Physics objectives to teach and build on in each group.  

In Foundation Stage, our long term plan relates to topics and there is a balance of themes that link specifically to all areas of the curriculum.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage science is part of Understanding the World. Through our topics we make cross-curricular links within Understanding the World and with other areas of the curriculum.  Children develop their scientific skills and knowledge through practical activities and investigations.  We make use of the indoor and outdoor classroom.  We create discovery areas where children can investigate and explore science concepts and practise using “Super Science Skills”. The outdoor classroom enables the children to learn about natural elements from first-hand experience, for example weather, growing and the seasons. We support the children in learning to record what they have found out through discussions, drawings, writing and simple graphs and tables.  Science features heavily within the Characteristics of Effective Learning which are: playing and exploring, active learning and thinking critically.

In Key Stage 1, we have a Curriculum Map where we teach through topics.  We have ensured there is breadth and balance and that all science objectives and working scientifically skills are covered within each year group.  Science is taught as a discrete subject with cross-curricular links whenever possible, ensuring that children have the opportunity to learn and use all of the science skills. We carefully consider the order of our science topics related to the seasons and other subjects.

In Key Stage 1, science is taught in blocks each half term. Children recall and build on their prior learning and investigate a wider range of concepts and processes. Children revisit their learning to consolidate their knowledge and understanding further. Year 1 and Year 2 use “Super Science Skills” posters to focus on and develop skills in each year group. These “Super Science Skills” follow a progression from Reception through to Year 2.

Science lessons are planned to be engaging, relevant and memorable for our children. Children build on their prior learning. We plan opportunities for first-hand experiences and practical tasks to develop their knowledge and skills. We plan for children to engage in problem solving activities. We use ICT to support and enhance learning. We plan to use our outdoor environment as much as possible. We aim to ensure appropriate differentiation within lessons to meet the needs of all learners to ensure our science learning is accessible to all.

We hold a whole school annual science week where we plan opportunities for the children to work in depth on topics and where we invite parents into school to share how we teach science and how they can support their child at home. We aim to plan an educational visit linked to science week for Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2. 


Science impact

We aim for our children to have an enthusiasm for science and a set of scientific skills that provide them with the confidence to build on their learning as they move into Key Stage 2. We aim to ensure that the children leave our school having developed their scientific knowledge and skills progressively over their 3 years here. We want the children to begin to relate their science learning to their everyday lives. We also aim for the children to have developed an appreciation of, and a care for the natural world, knowing active ways they can contribute to improving and protecting the environment for the future.



Science Week 2023

The children (and teachers!) enjoyed taking part in lots of exciting experiments and interesting investigations throughout the week. 




Reception's visit to Southfields Farm

A wonderful time was had by all on the visit to Southfields Farm. Farmer John took us on a tour of his farm and taught us a lot about the crops that they grow. He introduced us to his animals too and let us get up close and personal with them. It was lambing season and some of us were in the right place at the right time and actually got to witness some lambs being born. An amazing experience for us to be part of!